Creative Acts is an organization that seeks to transform urgent social justice issues through the revolutionary power of the Arts; to heal trauma, build community, raise power, and center the voices of those who are or have been incarcerated.

We are a Black led, majority women-identifying organization that centers the global majority (BIPOC) and those with lived experience of incarceration in decision-making positions

Land Acknowledgment:

We would like to respectfully acknowledge that the land Creative Acts stands on is ancestral and unceded Indigenous lands, specifically the territory of the Tongva, Kizh and Chumash people, and that the version of America that exists today began with genocide of the Native people on what they know as Turtle Island. Beneath the contemporary surface of any site in the United States, there are histories of belonging that have been erased, overlooked, contested, and forgotten, as well as contemporary communities that continue to endure, create and thrive. 

As occupiers of these territories, we recognize the continual displacement of Native people by the US and are aware that land acknowledgements are often used as an empty stand-in for actual decolonization work. This is something to bear in mind while continuing to build frameworks to dismantle the ongoing effects of colonial legacy, both in the art spaces, educational spaces and elsewhere.  

Please use this link to find out whose ancestral lands you work and live on and learn about them because they are still here.

We are fiscally sponsored by Social Environmental Entrepreneurs